Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide
Collection and Recovery Queues

Collections Queues are the delinquency and recovery queues that are configured in Temenos Infinity. Accounts are placed into these queues to make up a users list of work.

Accessing a Collections Queue

Within the Work section of the ribbon bar, click the Queues drop-down. Select Collections.

The Collection Queues tab appears containing a list of the available Collections Queues.

To work a queue, highlight the queue within the list and click Work Queue. The first account in the queue scheduled to be worked is presented in the workspace.

The order in which accounts are presented to be worked is dependent on the queue sorting configuration set by a system administrator in System Management.

When a queue is worked, depending on the settings, the user can navigate through the queue by clicking the Get Next Account button in the workspace toolbar. Clicking this option opens the next account/person in the queue depending on the sorting set by the system administrator. 

From within the workspace, users can select other queues to work from the Queue drop-down located above the related accounts grid. For more information on navigating the workspace, see the Navigating help section of the User Guide.  

Viewing a Queue's Contents

To view a queue's contents prior to working it, double-click the queue or select the queue and click View Queue Contents to view its contents in a new tab.

A list of the persons or accounts in the queue is displayed, depending on the View selected in the top right corner of the tab. Double-click a person or account or select the person/account and click Open Workspace to view the person or account in the workspace. 

Users may not be able to access all persons/accounts if their Account Restrictions settings are lower than the persons/accounts they are attempting to open. These settings are at the discretion of the system administrator.

Exporting the Collection Queue List

From the collections queue tab, export the queue list to Excel by clicking .

A prompt appears to Open or Save the spreadsheet. Click Open to view the spreadsheet. 

Printing the Collection Queue List

From the collections queue tab, print the queue list by clicking .

A print preview window is displayed as well as the standard Internet Explorer printer settings window. Select the desired printing preferences and click Print.



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